Infidelity' is very common in our present day society, and many husbands and wives, engage themselves in this ungodly practices, and hide under various defense and common line that says and i quote verbatim, ''AM SORRY IT WAS THE DEVIL'', why don't take a pause to tell ourselves the utmost and hurtful truths instead of pushing blames up and down.

Through this article you are about to engage in, you will become aware of the basic truths to do in other to ward off this act, called INFIDELITY. firstly, what is infidelity? It is the act of engaging in extra marital affairs outside your marriage oaths.

So below are the possible things you can do to prevent INFIDELITY.

πŸ‘‰ NEVER SECRETLY COMPARE YOUR SPPOUSE WITH YOUR EX: It is a huge mistake people engage themselves in, and end up wrapping up themselves in the mud. you must never compare the sex you have with you ex with that of your husband or wife, never compare their falls, never compare their strengths, never compare their physique, don't compare them in your mind. because every action that occurs today started from our minds.

πŸ‘‰DONT ALLOW SPACE: Space in relationships are very bad and this normally comes when couples are engaged in work that may take them apart for some days, week and months away from their spouse, and also during conflict times in relationship these are possible ways space can arise in relationship, and it destroys the spice in a relationship.

πŸ‘‰ DONT KEEP SECRETS FROM YOUR  SPOUSE:  You know why, secrets when hidden from someone who trust you so much, eventually when he or she gets to find out, the problems may not be easy to resolve.

πŸ‘‰ BE FREE TO EXPRESS YOURSELF: Yes you should always be free to express yourself to your spouse no matter how it seems like.

πŸ‘‰ SPEND GREAT TIMES TOGETHER: You should learn to find a time during the week to spend quality time with your spouse, it promote a healthy bonding.

πŸ‘‰ DONT ALLOW THIRD PARTIES DURING CONFLICTS PERIODS: You must never allow your friend, parents, in laws, strangers, fans into your relationships especially during conflicts time. except it gets out of control, then you can add prayers. because God is the only one you can trust with your dirty linings and problems.

πŸ‘‰ ALWAYS MAKE YOUR PARTNERS FEEL IMPORTANT: Even if he or she is not up to your standard, financially, morally, academic wise, and in other wise, always make your partner feel glorious.

πŸ‘‰ ALWAYS BE A THANKFUL AND CHEERFUL PARTNER: Always be thankful, for even the smallest things you feel your partner has done for you, be thankful for the little positive change you have noticed in your partner, and be thankful for the great things your partner feels he or she has done.

πŸ‘‰ PRAY FOR YOUR SPOUSE ALWAYS: Pray for his or her heart to be guarded with GODS guide, because all men needs to grace of God to function properly

πŸ‘‰ SUPPORT  EACH OTHERS DREAMS AND ASPIRATIONS: It is very key when you always support the dreams of your spouse even when it is never alike with yours and know that all things work together for good, no matter how you feel towards the aspirations of your spouse, encourage him or her and you will see that it will be a happy ever after engagement.

πŸ‘‰ AVOID SUSPICIONS: Suspicions are never healthy for a happy home. to avoid suspicions, you must try to trust your partner.

πŸ‘‰ BE TRUTHFUL TO EACH OTHER: Always remain true to your partner over any thing, don't lie to your partner no matter what, though the lie may solve a 5 minute problem but in the long run, end the trust your partner have for you in the long run.

πŸ‘‰VISIT ROMANTIC PLACES WITH YOUR SPOUSE: Make it a habit, try to visit places that drive a romantic feeling into both of you

πŸ‘‰.NEVER BE TOO CLOSE WITH AN OPPOSITE SEX: Make sure you do not share every thing with a person who is never your spouse and he or she is an opposite sex, the heart needs to be properly guarded or else, it can misbehave at times.

πŸ‘‰ ALWAYS CREAATE AN IMAGINATION OF YOU AND YOUR SPOUSE: Learn to build an imagination of you and your spouse, because as a man thinketh in his heart so is he, as quoted in the scriptures.

I know that you have learnt a lot from this article, do feel free to drop your reactions in the comment box about how you feel and you can also share your points about this article, you know others can learn from.

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